Importance of Initiation Fees and Dues

Understanding the importance of initiation fees and dues is one of the building blocks for a united union. Beginning with the initiation fee, the fee that each new member pays, is very instrumental to our union growing stronger into the future. Each member pays a $10.00 initiation fee when they first join and half of this goes to the new member orientation fund that helps purchase the UAW member information kits that allow our newest members to hit the ground running. Since August 2014 all members who wish to remain in good standing of the UAW has paid 2.5 hours of straight time to secure a strong union. The income collected from the dues are allocated between the Local 2069, the International Union General Fund and the International Union Strike and Defense Fund. They each receive a percentage which plays a vital role in allowing our union to function on a daily basis. Further information can be found in Article 16 of your Constitution handbook. Through education and dedication of every member we can help build our Local 2069 to the strongest it has ever been.