Buy Union Made This Holiday Season

Looking to elevate your holiday feast? The foods listed below are union-made or union-packaged. Please visit the links below for other Union Holiday Shopping ideas.
Not all goods are manufactured ethically by companies that believe in supporting their workers. That’s why shopping for union-made products matters.
In many cases, the same products are made by union and non-union employees; many manufacturers produce goods in the U.S. and other countries. Therefore, not all products made by the same company are union made. It is important to check product packaging for country of origin and, of course, the union label.
By shopping for products made by union workers in North America, you can rest assured that the goods were produced in facilities run by companies that treat their workers with respect, value their abilities, and compensate them fairly for their labor.
Dinner Rolls
Cranberries / Cranberry Sauce
| Stuffing
| Beverages