Texas Labor Makes Choices

The Texas AFL-CIO chose candidates at their political convention in Austin January 28-29. They also passed resolutions favoring labor, including one asking for a cease fire in the Middle East. The complete list of candidates endorsed is on the Dallas AFL-CIO web site.
Congresswoman Jasmin Crockett is pictured. She was endorsed for re-election
The labor convention held the first-ever debate among leading contenders for a Texas Senate seat. Newspersons statewide covered the event. Afterward, Texas labor chose to endorse Congressman Collin Allred of Dallas. He is the center of 3 candidates. At left in the photo is Texas AFL-CIO President Rick Levy. If Allred wins the primary, he will face long time SenatorTed Cruz in November.
The political convention had a dramatic discussion on a resolution for a cease fire in the Middle East. Young Active Labor Leaders, labor's youth group, held a forum on Zionism the night before the convention began. They were asking Texas labor to take a position similar to the one already passed by the UAW International and other labor bodies. A voice vote of "ayes" and "nays" did not yield a clear result so the convention took the time for a roll call vote. All the UAW delegates voted "aye," and our side won by 57%. All the delegates practiced our way of doing things by disagreeing without being disagreeable.
A lot of the proceedings were captured in video on the Dallas AFL-CIO Facebook Page.
Texas retirees held their convention on January 27 before the AFL-CIO's. Alliance for Retired Americans President Robert Roach was the main speaker. All three officers were re-elected by acclamation:
- Treasurer Elaine Jones of CWA (not pictured)
- Secretary Chris Cruz of TSEU
- President Gene Lantz of UAW 848