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UAW President Shawn Fain Holding Facebook Live at 7 p.m. ET on the Fight for Good U.S. Jobs at Stellantis

DETROIT – UAW President Shawn Fain will address the UAW membership on Facebook Live at 7 p.m. ET tonight...

Read More UAW President Shawn Fain Holding Facebook Live at 7 p.m. ET on the Fight for Good U.S. Jobs at Stellantis

UAW Releases New Political Video on Corporate Price Gouging

Today, the UAW released a new political video highlighting the corporate greed and price gouging behind the surging cost of basic needs...

Read More UAW Releases New Political Video on Corporate Price Gouging
Labor Day

Labor Day 2024- Heralding The Unsung Heroes

On September 2, Labor Day will once again be celebrated. The last fling of summer usually means cookouts, pool parties, a last weekend on the lake, an...

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Biden: ‘I will draw on the best of us.”

FORMER VICE PRESIDENT REMINDS AMERICANS THAT WE CAN DO BETTER On the final day of the convention, UAW members and their messages were featured prominently and Joe Biden accepted his party’s nomination with an inspirational speech reminding Americans that, “We make our greatest progress when we follow the light,” and turn away from the darkness and division that the nation finds itself mired in.

Read More Biden: ‘I will draw on the best of us.”

UAW Vice President Terry Dittes: Biden-Harris Ready on Day One

UAW Vice President Terry Dittes, who directs the union’s General Motors’ Department, said he’s “very excited” about the Biden-Harris ticket. Dittes, who as a past Regional Director represented the Scranton region where Biden grew up, said the candidate is well grounded in the everyday lives of UAW members.

Read More UAW Vice President Terry Dittes: Biden-Harris Ready on Day One

Kamala Harris: For the people

SENATOR MAKES HISTORY AS FIRST WOMAN OF COLOR TO RUN FOR VICE PRESIDENT Making history, U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris stood before DNC delegates and accepted the nomination to be Joe Biden’s running mate last evening almost 100 years from the day that the 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote in America.

Read More Kamala Harris: For the people

Vice President Cindy Estrada: This election is critical for us all

As delegates gather online for this year’s historic Democratic National Convention, UAW Vice President Cindy Estrada says this online-only convention is key to success in November, especially for women.

Read More Vice President Cindy Estrada: This election is critical for us all

Rising to the Moment: Jill Biden and the UAW know Joe Biden will lead

Leadership matters, especially when working families are struggling with the worst public health crisis in a century, which has spurred the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.

Read More Rising to the Moment: Jill Biden and the UAW know Joe Biden will lead

DNC Convention 2020 Roll Call

Just after sunset on a resurgent Detroit, UAW Secretary-Treasurer Ray Curry and U.S. Senator Gary Peters called the Michigan roll for Joe Biden at the 2020 Democratic National Convention live from Belle Isle’s Sunset Point.

Read More DNC Convention 2020 Roll Call