Recording Secretary

Article 40 Section 3. It shall be the duty of the Recording Secretary to keep a correct record of the proceedings of the Local Union, sign all orders on the treasury authorized by the Local Union, read all documents and conduct the general correspondence received by the Local Union which does not pertain directly to the duties of the other officers of the Local Union and keep same on file for future reference. The Recording Secretary shall bring to the attention of the membership of the Local Union any correspondence upon which the membership must take action. The Recording Secretary shall comply with the provisions of Article 50, Section 2. The Recording Secretary is obligated to keep on file with both the Research Department of the UAW and her/his Regional Director, the current version of each of the following: (1) The existing contract(s); (2) A complete revised list of all classifications and rates for the workplaces covered by the contract(s); (3) Any additional information gained through negotiations with the respective workplace management that may be useful to other Local Unions in their collective bargaining. The Recording Secretary shall be considered to have satisfied the foregoing requirements by submitting an electronic copy of items 1 through 3 in the Local Union Information System (LUIS). The Recording Secretary shall update this information as often as necessary, but must furnish a current, updated version no later than sixty (60) days after the ratification of any contract or supplement.