Severe Weather Event Update, Week Ending 01/12/2025

On January 9th & January 10th the plant experienced a severe weather event that caused an interruption in production and the cancellation of multiple shifts. This letter is to update the membership of the status, coding, and effects that it had.
Arlington was approved for SWW Severe weather event (7A) for the following shifts this week:
Day 4 (1/9/2025) for 1st & 2nd Shifts and Day 5 (1/10/2025) for 3rd & 1st Shifts.
Document 84 of the 2023 UAW/GM National Agreement states, with respect to a day for which the plant gives notification by public announcement or otherwise of a shutdown, a SUBenefit shall be paid as provided under the Plan to otherwise eligible laid off employees.
The UAW Supplemental Unemployment Benefit Plan states in Article 1, Section 2(a), Traditional & In-progression Employees including Full-Time Temporary Employees with ninety (90) calendar days of employment, shall be eligible for Automatic Short Week Benefit for any Week beginning on or after the effective date of this plan.
Arlington had high absenteeism on 2nd shift Day 5 (1/10/2025) which totaled 41%. This is covered under Document 84, Section 3 of the 2023 UAW/GM National Agreement.
With respect to a day during which the plant attempts to operate but is forced to shutdown because of the absenteeism of employees and more than forty percent (40%) of the employees scheduled to report for work on the shift have not reported to work prior to the shutdown, the facts and circumstances of the local situation will be reviewed with the Employee Benefits Section of the Personnel Administration and Development Staff and a determination shall be made by the Personnel Administration and Development Staff.
Although the plant had 41% absenteeism on this shift, the Short Work Week Benefit (SWW) was DECLINED by General Motors Personnel Administration and Development Staff for payment. This ruling is currently under appeal by the UAW International Benefits Staff for resolution for the membership.
Any member who was previously scheduled off work during the above-listed shifts for any reason such as vacation, leave of absence, FS, excused in advance, bereavement, would not receive SWW.
On Saturday Day 6 (1/11/2025) the plant did not reach the 40% on any shift and was subject to the attendance rules outlined in Document 8 of the National Agreement. There have been rumors about individuals calling in and having their VR’s returned to them after the fact. We have investigated this claim and if it is true it should apply to all, but we have yet to find any facts that this indeed happened.