Unit 1 (GM) Chairperson's Report - January 2025

We are pleased to announce that the total number of UAW 276 members that have agreed to participate in the Special Attrition Program is final. A total number of 82 members have elected to retire under this agreement. The number includes 63 Production members and 19 Skilled Trades members. The dates on which each member is to retire will be communicated by management in the near future. Those who are participating in this program, please make sure that you read all paperwork and submit all documentation and information on time as to not forfeit your monetary allotment.
Local Negotiations have been ongoing, and we have been meeting since January 16, 2024. We are meeting daily and will continue to meet until we secure an agreement that addresses the needs of the members of UAW Local 276. We are making progress but, as many of you know, due to the cost to General Motors of the 2023 UAW/GM National Agreement they are pushing back hard on the locals for concessions. Your UAW Local Shop Committee is determined to bring you a local agreement with “NO CONCESSIONS”. We are not willing to go backward or lose ground that has been fought and won over the years.
On Wednesday, January 8, 2025, the National Joint Apprenticeship Committee announced that General Motors will indenture 86 apprentices across North America General Motors during this recruitment cycle. Arlington will be receiving a total of 4 apprentices who will have an indenture date of February 17, 2025. These 4 individuals will be contacted by the Local Joint Apprenticeship Committee with an offer. Congratulations to these members that have achieved this milestone.
We would like to thank all members who are participating and wearing their Red Shirt on Wednesdays. This shows a form of SOLIDARITY and is an important statement to the membership as well as Management.
Per P.193b of the National Agreement, payment of the unused portion, if any, of the employee’s Vacation Entitlement, shall be made as soon as possible but not later than February 1 of the following year. (Last Friday - January 31, 2025, for Seniority employees only).
The total amount each seniority employee will be receiving in profit sharing will not be available until General Motors Announces it Fourth Quarter Earnings on January 28, 2025.
The Vacation Application period is open from February 1, 2025, thru February 28, 2025, for all Seniority Members to make a vacation selection from April 1, 2025, thru March 31, 2026. After this signup period, vacation will be handled on a first come, first served basis.
(202c)Management at each plant will establish a procedure whereby employees, during February, may make application in writing for vacation time off, indicating first, second and third choices. If Plant Vacation Shutdown Weeks are scheduled, the dates of such shutdown weeks are to be included in the employee’s vacation schedule.
Pursuant to the terms of the UAW-GM National Agreement (202a), Plants that have an identified launch may schedule up to (2) two Plant Vacation Shutdown Week(s). Management will identify the specific week(s) such shutdown(s) will occur. For locations in launch, Plant Management may schedule the Plant Vacation Shutdown Week(s) to take place anytime during April through November, or, with the local union’s agreement, during other week(s) more advantageous to plant operations.
Q1. The 2019 Local Agreement states that I can apply for vacation for "a minimum of three (3) consecutive days within the same calendar week". What is considered consecutive?
A. 3 consecutive days refers to days within the same calendar week, being Monday through Sunday. For example, if you put in a request for a Thursday, Friday, Monday it would not be considered consecutive since the Monday falls in the next calendar week.
Q2. How do I identify what my first choices are on my application?
A. If you are putting in for multiple weeks at a time on one form that are all your first choice, make sure that the dates are all listed under the 'First Choice" section of the vacation application.
Q 3. I am not sure how much vacation I have for the year. How can I find this information to make sure I do not request more than I am entitled to?
A. Vacation entitlement information can be found in Paragraph 191 of the 2019 UAW-GM National Agreement. You can also verify your vacation entitlement for the year by checking your paystub on ADP.
Q4. I want to schedule all my vacation that I am eligible for. How do I identify if I want to use VP or VR time for the days I list?
A. If you want to specify VR or VP hours, it is suggested that you put the appropriate code in parenthesis next to your vacation request. Please see the example below:
First Day of Vacation | Last Day of Vacation |
09/15/2025 (VR, VR) | 09/19/2025 (VP) |
Q5. How long does the vacation application period run?
A. February 1, 2025, through February 28, 2025. Applications will be accepted through the end of employees' respective shifts on February 28, 2025 (Day 5).
Q6. What are the dates that I can apply for vacation during the application period?
A. You can apply for vacation beginning April 1, 2025, through March 31, 2026.
Q7. What if I want to apply for a vacation day prior to April 1st, 2024?
A. If you want to apply for a vacation day prior to April 1, 2025, please submit the request on a separate vacation application as these requests will be honored on a first come, first served basis.
Q8. What happens if I do not submit my vacation requests during the application period in February but after it?
A. After the February application period, you may apply for any additional vacation dates, whether the application is for the entire week or one (1) day on a first come, first served basis. A back-up list will be developed in seniority order for those vacation applicants that were denied their vacation request during the time period specified in the National Agreement for vacation approval in the event the vacation days denied during the vacation period become available before offering to other employees on a first come, first serve basis.
Q9. I am a 3rd shift employee; how should I identify the dates I want off to avoid confusion?
A. It is best to identify the day number of the day you are requesting off. For example, if you wanted to request Monday May 5th through Friday May 9th, you should write the following on your vacation application:
First Day of Vacation / Last Day of Vacation
05/05/2025 (day 1) - 05/09/2025 (day 5)