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Kronos UKG - PartnerSpId=kronos-classic
Remember - in the Kronos link: it is a capital I in SpId


In case of bad/dangerous weather conditions:
As a reminder, employees can call the CTMP Plant Information Line for updated plant information: (704) 645-5678 (local) or (866) 834-8633 (toll free)

To Report an Absence: Call 1-800-206-9771
Enter your 6-digit Employee ID and press #
To Report an Absence, Press 4 

  • Enter the Date in mmdd format, followed by # (eg: November 2nd would be 1102#) 
    Enter an Hours amount in hh*mm format followed by # (eg: 8 hours would be 08*00#) 

Absence Reporting System:Enter the numeric value for the Pay Code followed by #
Bereavement, Press 1
FMLA, Press 2         
Jury, Press 3
Late, Press 4
PTO, Press 6
Sick, Press 7
Weather, Press 8